Sunday, 13 January 2013

Relaxation? Bring it on!

Do you ever just sit down and completely chill out?

I know that in here it's a rare occasion, even when I do grab half an hour in front of the telly in the evenings my mind is still ticking over thinking of all the things that need done.
Recently I haven't been sleeping very well, the only reason being my head is full of everything that is going on, needs done, is coming up and needs planning. It's very frustrating not being able to sleep and generally I get up and make myself a ginger tea before returning to bed and heading back to sleep.

I love every workshop that we run, they are all enjoyable and fun to do but turning my hobbies into a business hasnt been without its frustrations, all of a sudden I had to think through every aspect of the craft and think of everything we would need to complete the project. I found my evenings would be taken up planning and writing lists etc. Dont get me wrong, very exciting and fun times but yesterday a realized I hadn't just sat down and completely relaxed in months.

We had a Littlies Learn to knit workshop yesterday afternoon, I had to think of something that would be fun and would also teach them their basics, casting on, knit and purl.

I decided that a dishcloth was an easy place to start and picked a pattern that a heart shape picture in the middle, I remembered how fun it was it make them and watch the picture growing while you knitted!

I started the dishcloth before the workshop so as they could see how the border should look. We had a really fun workshop, there is something thoroughly enjoyable about teaching a life skill to kids. It is something that they will always have, knitting's like riding a bike, you never forget! I told them yesterday that they would never be cold students with a skill like knitting, mum can send them some wool and they can knit a jumper up!

So with the workshop over, dinner done and our littlies all tucked up in bed I lifted what I had started and settled myself in front of the fire. I completely relaxed into what I was doing, my mind was blank and I knitted away for a couple of hours. It was blissful. I'd forgotten how much fun it was to get lost in crafting.

I have a real issue with wasting time and feel like I always have to be doing something but last night I chilled out. Did I waste time? No not at all, I finished my dishcloth and this morning it has pride of place by my sink ready for the first load of dishes of the day!

So you see, when you have a skill like knitting, it can be used for so many different things, relaxing and producing all at the same time.

I get the same feeling of relaxation when I close myself away in the kitchen and bake for the family, no pressures just me and my mixer.

We are looking into the health benefits of crafting for children with differing disabillities at the minute and last night proved to me the health benefits that are there for everyone. Stress is a major factor in everyones life, isn't it fab to think we can counter act the effects of it whilst also producing something wonderful?

                                                My Camo stress relieveing dishcloth!

Oh and I slept really well last night.......bonus!!

Love n hugs,

Suzi xxxxxx

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